Just took a trip to Texas to see all of my family and it went perfectly! Thank you
fam! Daniel and I went to Bass Pro Shop, Main Event,
Braum's (
mmmmm), and Six Flags Over Texas! Then, my amazing cousin Nathan picked me up for the weekend and Ashlee, Nathan, and I went to a really neat restaurant, Jo T. Garcia's, where I only had two choices on th

e menu, enchiladas or fajitas! It just might be my new favorite restaurant because it was set in an old villa, it seemed to go on and on, and the food was amazing! Then we headed to a house of beers, The Ginger Man, where I proceeded to pass out on the couch and kick the boys' butt at darts. The next morning we visited the Rangers' stadium so that
cuz could get his new, sexy security uniform!
Lol. It's
cuuuute! Then it was time to head up to
Gainesville and see my Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mark! Their house is beautiful and they have buffalo roaming their backyard! Too cool! From there we went to a casino in Oklahoma with the biggest gambling area in the US! I lost all of my $14 (playing penny slots) and so we got some Texas brisket and Nathan and I headed to my Aunt Susan and Uncle Frank's house (there was some Braum's in there again!). We enjoyed a good conversation around the campfire! Then it was time to head home and get some rest for church the next mor

ning. After church we went to a neat
TCU/college restaurant where I had the best vegetable/taco salad ever! Well, honestly, I'm not sure I will ever have the chance to order one of those again. So, my weekend was coming to a close, we stopped by
Cabela's on my way back to Aunt Lisa's. I relaxed with Aunt Lisa and Daniel the rest of the night (had
Braum's, again!) and headed to the airport the next morning. Wow. Good trip! Thank you Nathan and Aunt Lisa for being so
accommodating! I thoroughly enjoyed my trip and it was because of ya'll!
On to a Peace Corps note, I have lots of questions that I have been asking Leslie and John who are already in Fiji! So I just wanted to give a shout out and thanks for all of your replies Leslie! I would be lost without you! Can't wait to get there and meet you! Less than two months left!
On another note... those care packages I so frequently mention... I didn't realize it would cost an arm and a leg to send me stuff. So, please do not feel the need to send me anything if money is tight! I do not expect anyone to pay the kinds of prices I was quoted at the post office! It's the thought that counts! Much love.
I am also searching for a Gregory Deva 70 Small Hiking Backpack if anyone reads this and has one they want to sell me I would much appreciate it!