Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Week in Pictures


Not a lot happened this week, I blame it on no electricity… if you were here you would understand. So hot, no ipod music, no movies, no blog writing (computer dead), no cell phone (dead). Thank goodness for my dependable gas tank to cook or else I would really be stuck in a hard place. So, this week we will have story time through pictures.

This picture is two of my sisters and our cousin. They were flicking their fingers in the sky and telling me that the elders do this to make the rain go away. I tell you what, Fijians are sooo superstitious.

Random flowers around the village.

Crab Claw (plant) covered in ants

Beautiful, and it grows on a weed!

Lots of mangoes survived Hurricane Mick!

Kindergarten! Two different days this week. There have been a lot of kids out of the village for various reasons so it is a little bare. This year there is a solid 12 students. They have never seen or heard of a train and we were reading a Sesame Street book about Elmo riding the Subway in New York. So, I taught them the sound of the train and then we formed a train and choo chooed our way around!

Two different days of the boys playing rugby at low tide.

The women had been fishing on our restricted reef. Apparently, after one person breaks the rule without punishment, everyone thinks they can. So, our “off limits” reef is now overfished within one week.

Done fishin'

The women coming in from fishing the off limits reef.

Oh Mogli!

My village!

If you love me you will send me some chocolate/candy/cookies/sugary treats!
P.O. Box 338
Rakiraki, Fiji
Pacific Islands

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie - this looks awesome!! It seems you are definitely having fun! I trust you are getting in the water as well!!